Consider Sponsoring an ORBAA Event

ORBAA appreciates your financial support of our three pillars: Advocacy, Training and Education, and Workforce Development.

Throughout the year, ORBAA hosts several events which aim to highlight these pillars. Your sponsorship goes directly to the cost of the these events. We will advertise available sponsorships per event. 

Ohio Regional Business Aviation Association (ORBAA) Gift Acceptance Policy

The Ohio Regional Business Aviation Association (ORBAA) solicits and accepts gifts for the purposes that will help the organization further and fulfill its mission. Donations, sponsorships and others forms of support will be generally accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities without limitations.

ORBAA urges all prospective donors to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gifts, including the resulting tax and estate planning consequences. ORBAA will not accept gifts that (a) would result in ORBAA violating it corporate charter or IRS non-profit status, (b) are too difficult or too expensive to administer, (c) would result in any unacceptable consequences for ORBAA. Certain types of gifts must be reviewed and accepted by the Executive Committee. Examples of gifts which will be subject to review include the following, but not limited to: gifts of real property, gifts of personal property, and gifts of securities.

ORBAA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 5207 Norwich Street, Hilliard, Ohio 43026

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